I398: Lunch Box Playset

Lunch Box Playset photo
  • Category: I
  • No Pieces: 9
  • Manufacturer: Cocomelon
  • Age: 3+ years
  • Rent: $0.50
  • Donated by: Hornby Warehouse
  • Storage: : Zip-it Bag


Wooden Lunch Box Set


1 - Pink Tray

1 - Yellow TraY

1 - Green Fork

1 - Pink Spoon

1 - Egg

1 - Food Chart


1 - Watermelon Lunch Box with Blue Inserted Tray

1 - Pink Tray

1 - Yellow Tray

1 - Tomato - 2 Halves

1 - Green Fork

1 - Pink Spoon

1 - Multi-coloured Ice Block

1 - Piece Toast with an Egg

1 Food Chart