Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! We would love for you to Like and Follow our page. We also keep our members up to date via our Facebook page for anything important, including if we are going to be closed unexpectedly. 

A toy library is very much like a book library; you join the toy library and then you and your family can borrow toys from us. We have very reasonable annual membership and fortnightly toy hire fees.

Borrowing from the library saves a lot of money as you don't need to buy new toys as your child grows out of them or gets bored of them, saves the environment as you are using the toy and returning it for someone else to use and you didn't need to buy it for yourself, and also means a constant rotation of great toys without taking up so much space in your home. You can bring home some puzzles and blocks one week, a couple of ride-on toys the next, or both at the same time! The hardest part is choosing which toys to take home for a fortnight; don't worry though, your kids will be happy to help!

Hornby Toy Library is located at 34 Springs Rd - this is the old Sockburn School grounds.

Thursday 5:30pm - 7pm & Saturday 9:30am - 12pm

Note: we take a 4 week break over Xmas and are closed on long weekends

See our Facebook page for updates - we always post here if we will be closed

Our toys are ideal for families with children aged 8 years and under.

Yes! We have a lot of baby friendly toys.

We operate an annual rolling membership which commences the day you join us.

Toy hire is for a fortnight: 50c each for small-medium toys, $2 each for large toys.
Annual membership fees:
- with community services card  $60
- standard membership  $90

Duties are voluntary. A duty is when you help us during opening hours by checking returned toys (counting the pieces & making sure they are clean) and then putting them back on the shelf so the next cool kid(s) can borrow them.  It’s a great way to help out in the community and meet other members. 

When you roster yourself on for a duty shift we will give you a $10 credit to say thank you. You can use this for toy hire or save it up toward your annual membership renewal.

Please come in to see us during business hours or contact our librarian via email and she can send you the new member application form as we love to welcome new members to the library. Some of our committee members started as volunteers, and we treasure any offer of help so if you're interested in being a volunteer please let us know!

During opening hours we are available by phone: 03-349 3109

You can send us a Facebook message any time - please like and follow us on Facebook 

You can also email our librarian Jenny at

Yes! We have a party set available to our members.

The party set is $20 for a week hire, which includes 2 fold up tables, 12 chairs, 12 cups, 12 plates, 12 bowls, 12 sets cutlery. 

Bookings are essential. Pick up is Thursday between 6:45 - 7pm and MUST be returned, clean, by 6:30pm the following Thursday or an additional charge may occur.

We understand that eventually your kids will grow out of the library, or you might have moved away, so if you choose not to renew your membership the following year we will understand and wish you all the best.

No, you do not need to be vaccinated to be a member or to come into the library.